
Autumn Reading List

1. And Then Comes Halloween by Tom Brenner
2. This is Our House by Hyewon Yum
3. Round is a Tortilla by Roseanne Greenfield Thong
4. Henri's Scissors by Jeanette Winter
5. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
6. When We Go Walking by Cari Best
7. The Surprise by Sylvia van Ommen

Everything in my life right now feels crooked and blurry like the picture above. Yet, in the background are beautiful things, like this crisp fall day, and delightfully, comforting books about tortillas and sweaters.  I hope you had a great first week in one of the best months of the year.  I realize that many wonderful things happened in the year 1987. But, this worksheet that Myles brought home on his first day of second grade was not one of them. Deep breath.  My friend who had this teacher last year, is talking me off the cliff.  Thankfully, tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it yet.


Melinda said...

Oh that our Spetember were like yours! We just got back from a sweaty morning walk :( I have to say, of all the crummy things one could do on the first day of 2nd grade, isn't spending some time coloring and revealing a robot kind of THE JAM? If that's out of date, sign me up! Also, high five to Myles from me for actually coloring the shapes in and not just giving each a coursury swipe of color (which, let's be real, is what I'd have done). Can't wait to read about tortillas, thanks for this list!

Tales of Whimsy said...

What a great stack!

Melissa Martin said...

Requesting all of these. This list and this worksheet are going to go viral. :)

Unknown said...


Emily said...

Haha. Maybe your right Mel. Maybe it's not too bad. There could have been worse things. :)

Lauren said...

I love children's books I don't think you ever outgrow them! Such a great fall reading list!


Emily said...


Maura O'Brien said...

I'm going to need you to return the favor very, very soon!