
The Farm of a Patriot

We have been busy. Busy with a heat wave. Busy with a little DIY kitchen project. Down with old cabinets, and up with shelves.  Busy with birthdays and the beach. I don't really like being busy. It makes me feel unfriendly. Like when a friend and I are trying to make plans to catch up, I start praying for a miracle.  But last week the kids and I did manage to seize an open window to visit the Adams National Historical Park a few towns over, and had a semi-wonderful time. The first problem was that we arrived at 10:30 and were told that the next available tour wasn't until 1:15.  My attempt to bully the Ranger lady was unsuccessful. I stood in front of her desk and silently pouted for a good solid minute. And then I begged her to let us on the trolley outside. She said I could speak to her supervisor. I reluctantly declined, deciding some things are worth the wait.  I love the ANHP because you get to knock out two prez birthplaces with one stone. John Adams and John Quincy were born in houses next door to one another.  It is awesome. Thankfully there was the Quincy public library within walking distance and we hung out there for a couple hours reading Otis Spofford and watching a girl play Club Penguin on a computer. She had her library card on a bracelet like a camp counselor and my kids were a bit in awe. 
The boxwood lining the path was planted three hundred years ago. And the Adams family library contains a Bible, inscribed with a note of gratitude, given to John Quincy by the Mendi people after their freedom was granted.  Think Amistad.  And think Abigail Adams.  She is as inspiring as they come. If it were not for her...  We saw the bed that held her as she died.  Of course John was devastated without her and moved a new bed into his office to sleep in the rest of his days.


Danzel @Silver Shoes and Rabbit Holes said...

Very, very cool! We've read about Abigail and John Adams together this year. A trip like this would have been awesome!

Melissa Martin said...

it looks like it was definitely worth the wait. love the Ranger intimidation. :)

Unknown said...

I like the stars and stripes on M--very appropriate. And I was so tired the last time I saw you I don't remember if I recommended this book to you (embarrassingly I have not read it, but B swears that it is amazing (his friend wrote it--but to prove he's not biased, it won the national book award :):
