
The Book Bag - no. 6

For the Little.

 The Littler.

And the Littlest.

Narnia enchants us again. -- My visit to the library this week breathed life into my world.  It was one of those trips that gives you hope in goodness. I found out that a fourth season existed of our favorite series of late, Treme. I checked out a bunch of classical music to cook by, and I got some good audiobooks for our weekend driving. I think what stood out the most, was a chat with a librarian who I had never encountered before. He commented on one of my selections confirming that, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin is indeed wonderful. We then exchanged complimentary thoughts on her skill as an author illustrator.  It was an interaction that makes you thankful to be a thinking reed. I recently read this thought of Pascal. "Man is only a reed, the feeblest reed in nature; but he is a thinking reed"  At the library, we are all thinking reeds especially. Equal in our fragility, but reeds gaining strength. Trying to see farther.  Trying to go slower. It is a place where things are still improving.

There are no plans for Sunday...hopefully. I hedge my bets for Mother's Day. I stay very quiet, trying to ensure that a similar nothingness will occur on Father's Day. You could call this part of my feeble state.

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