
I Know Here

I Know Here quiets.  If you have ever moved or been moved, if you have ever arrived at a new destination with pictures of old sewn in your mind, this book is a must read. Winner of the 2010 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, first time author Laurel Croza and illustrator Matt James hush the reader with beautiful words and bright, imaginative pictures.

The little girl in this story finds out that she is moving, and soon.  The dam her father has been building is nearly finished and at the end of the summer they will be off. Her mind turns, stops, and turns again as she reflects on all the things that she has seen and experienced living right here in Saskatchewan, Canada.

We follow the girl as she traces back memories and images that she knows, has seen, and wants to take with her.

With the help of her teacher, our new friend finds a way to carry these precious things with her to Toronto.
A poignant story of beauty and familiarity. Thank you Laurel and Matt!

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